Prevalence and type of removable prostheses manufactured in dental laboratories in Switzerland over the last 10 years.


  • Philippe Mojon Division of Gerodontology and Removable Prosthodontics, University Clinics of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Johan Haerri Division of Gerodontology and Removable Prosthodontics, University Clinics of Dental Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Pre F. Müller Division of Geriatrics, Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, University Hospitals of Geneva, Thônex, Switzerland





Removable dental prostheses, manufacturing methods, dental laboratories, e-survey, evolution


Due to effective preventive measures and advanced techniques in operative dentistry, tooth loss occurs later in life and implant restorations have become a common solution for replacement of missing teeth. Therefore, the use of removable dental prostheses (RDPs) is expected to decline over time. This study aims to evaluate the expected decrease in the production of RDPs in Swiss dental laboratories over the past decade. From 2012 to 2022, two indicators of prostheses production were examined: the number of dental laboratories (DL) and dental technicians in Switzerland, and the import and sale rates of denture teeth. 85 DL participated in a survey and indicated their perception regarding market trends. Finally, in-depth data collection was conducted in 16 DL in French-speaking Switzerland to gather the production of various types of RDPs over the last ten years. Over the observation period, the number of DL significantly decreased (p<0.05), while the decrease in dental technicians was less pronounced. The overall quantity of prosthetic teeth imported into Switzerland or sold by Curaden AG witnessed a significant decline (p<0.05). Survey findings revealed inconsistent perspectives from the respondents on the profession’s development, despite a tendency suggesting a decline in complete prostheses and an increase in partial or hybrid removable prostheses (p<0.01). Except for a decline in the number of chrome-cast partial prosthesis manufactured (p=0.04), no clear trend was observed in the 16 DL. Despite lower import rates of denture teeth and a perceived shift in denture type, the overall production of RDPs seems to remain substantial.


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How to Cite

Mojon, P., Haerri, J., & Mueller, F. (2025). Prevalence and type of removable prostheses manufactured in dental laboratories in Switzerland over the last 10 years. SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics, 135(01), 1-22.

How to Cite

Mojon, P., Haerri, J., & Mueller, F. (2025). Prevalence and type of removable prostheses manufactured in dental laboratories in Switzerland over the last 10 years. SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics, 135(01), 1-22.