Systemische Kommunikation im zahnmedizinischen Kontext
Lehre, Nocebo-Effekte, Placebo-Effekte, Systemische KommunikationAbstract
As patients in a dental or medical context, persons find themselves in a vulnerable, exceptional psychological and physical situation, in which the solution-oriented regulation of emotions requires mindful, systemic communication. This review describes typical placebo and nocebo effects in verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal communication and their impact on patients and their relationship with dental or medical professionals. In addition, a training curriculum for second-year undergraduate dental master’s students is described, that not only provides students with the necessary competences for solution-oriented systemic communication, but also enables them to experience its effectiveness in the clinical context.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Besimo, Julia Ledergerber, Ruth Besimo-Meyer, Nicola U Zitzmann

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