The influence of carbonated beverages on direct dental restorative materials – a systematic review exemplified on Coca-Cola


  • Christian Philipp Schnell Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria
  • Jens Christoph Türp Universitäres Zentrum für Zahnmedizin Basel
  • Philipp Kessler Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria





carbonated beverages, dental restoration, materials testing, erosion, composite resins, dental cements


The objective of this systematic literature review was to investigate the effect of Coca-Cola on the properties and, more generally, on the integrity of direct dental filling materials. In addition, it aimed to highlight the importance of dietary behaviour in dentistry and, in this context, to identify tangible strategies for action in routine clinical practice. An electronic search was conducted between January 2022 and July 2024. It included the PubMed, Livivo, Directory of Open Access Journals, and ScienceDirect databases, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, as well as grey literature databases and ResearchGate, further supplemented by the references of the included study articles. In accordance with the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 92 experimental study articles were included in the review, focusing the optical, mechanical, chemical, and biological material properties, but also regarding the surface characteristics and the interface between the restoration and the tooth structure. Given the considerable heterogeneity and in vitro design of the included study articles, it can be demonstrated that Coca-Cola has an effect on the materials under consideration. However, the extent of this influence is highly dependent on the specific restorative materials and the methodology used. The determining factors are accumulated contact time and frequency of exposure, and these factors therefore serve as a critical starting point for preventive measures. 

Author Biographies

Christian Philipp Schnell, Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria

Master's student

Philipp Kessler, Danube Private University (DPU), Krems, Austria



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How to Cite

Schnell, C. P., Türp, J. C., & Kessler, P. (2025). The influence of carbonated beverages on direct dental restorative materials – a systematic review exemplified on Coca-Cola. SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics, 135(01), 38-128.

How to Cite

Schnell, C. P., Türp, J. C., & Kessler, P. (2025). The influence of carbonated beverages on direct dental restorative materials – a systematic review exemplified on Coca-Cola. SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics, 135(01), 38-128.